Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Remaining Images from Hospital Stay

Sophia is sleeping and I am sneaking some time to share the latest.
  • We are tired.
  • We love her more daily.
  • We think with all the manuals out there, someone would have prepped us. :)
  • Dave is utterly humbled by his wife's endurance, strength of will, and devotion to our child.
  • We are both immensely grateful for the generosity of our friends and family. This process would be infinitely more challenging without all of you. Thank you.
Now, on to what you actually care about. ;)

Latest Pix

Funny Video of Sophia with the hiccups


Unknown said...

I can tell how tired you are already - "This process would be infinitely more challenging with all of you. Thank you." :)

Travis Flippin said...

just feeding Sophia is enough...imagine if they had to feed everyone every two hours :)

Larry Covert said...

Prepped you? No such thing in my experience as a father. Roll with the punches. It does get easier. Wait, that's a lie... ;-) BTW: Sophia is beautiful!