Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sophia's first DC trip (and more)

Sorry for taking so long to post something new. Quite a bit has happened since I last posted. For example:
  • Sophia had her first travel adventure (trip to DC)
  • Sophia met her tia (aunt) Elizabeth, tio Diego, and 3 Spanish Cousins
  • Sophia had her first babysitting experience (Grandpa)
  • Sophia turned 2 months old (August 5)
  • Sophia is cooing and giggling
  • Sophia met her maternal grandmother (aka, Meme)
Hopefully the pix and video may make it worthwhile. To pique your interest, I'll start with a picture that I think may be my fave so far.
"Highlights" from Sophia's first trip to DC
Let me just start by saying that we knew the car trip would be longer than the ~5 hours we were used to. (Stop to feed, change diapers, etc.) We did not expect that it would take us 9 hours of total travel time to get to New Market, MD. Mind you, that's because we got to Tyson's Corner at around 6:00 pm Friday afternoon. Middle of DC rush hour. No thanks. We stopped and ate dinner. (2 hours at Tysons.)

Sophia Met the rest of Dave's immediate family
Sophia got to meet her Aunt Elizabeth (Dave's sister), her husband Diego, and 3 kids - Diego, Pablo, & Cristina. She also got to meet her uncle Paul (another of Dave's brothers), his wife Renee, and 2 of their 3 kids - Catalina and Mariana. (Isabela wasn't able to make it, but Sophia can't wait to meet her cousin.) It's always great to see the family, but, for obvious reasons, this time was special. It is so wonderful to see everyone, especially the kids, get so genuinely excited about meeting Sophia. Makes you really appreciate family.

Probably one of the more memorable events was going to Buca di Beppo. It is a very loud restaurant. Baby Sophia hadn't napped much that day. She spent just about the entire time zonked out on uncle Paul's shoulder. It was pretty amazing that she stayed put. (Pictures in the slide show.) There are also some adorable pix of Sophia's cousin Cristina holding Sophia. Cristina really wanted to hold her new cousin but was really nervous about what to do if she cried. Well, it lasted about 10 seconds.

2 month check up
Sophia had her 2 month check up on 8/5. She got 4 vaccinations and was not necessarily her cheerful self for the next couple of days. That was to be expected. We were pleased with her physical progress.
Weight: ll lbs 8.5oz. (70th percentile)
Height: 23 1/4" (75th percentile)
Head Circum: 15 1/2" (70th percentile)
Considering that she was at 50th, 50th, and 60th, respectively, one month before, we are very happy.

Sophia met the first of her maternal relatives
Mommy Michele's momma (aka, Meme) came up from Florida and spent an extended weekend with us. Sophia really enjoyed this time as the two of them got to spend some quality time together. In fact, some of that time was so that Mom and Dad could go out on a date.
We went out to the movies. Our choices were "Dark Knight" and "Mamma Mia!". We both selected "Mamma Mia!". Despite my friend John Straffin's protestations, I will relinquish neither my geek card nor my man card. (I'm still singing ABBA songs a week later. :) )

Most Recent Pix
(Gotta admit, there are a quite a few, so I didn't name and / or describe them all. Sorry.)
(For those of you who don't like Flash or just want to see the photos directly on Flickr, click here.)

A Collection of Videos
Here are a couple of recent videos of Sophia smiling and laughing.
Mommy Michele giving Sophia some kisses one morning

Sophia enjoying playing with Mommy

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