Sunday, March 15, 2009

Crawlin' and on the go at 8 months

After Sophia's abuela called Daddy Dave and gently reminded him that he hadn't posted pix in a while, He knew it was time to finally do it. The irony is that Daddy Dave posted pix and some videos a little while back, but never got around to actually putting some prose around it. So here goes, a quick overview of some of the things that have happened since the last post a month and a half ago. :(

The three of us took an unplanned trip to DC to spend time with the grandparents after Sophia's abuelo had a medical scare. Thankfully, he is doing very well. Sophia had a great time entertaining family in DC in her exersaucer. She absolutely loves that thing. See pix for proof. :)

From a development perspective, Sophia is advancing very well. At about 8 months, she decided to start crawling. She literally picked it up in about 3 days. It was an amazingly quick transition. As Mommy Michele said, "I think she just downloaded the 'crawl' program." (View this clip, if you don't get the Matrix reference.) She's actually pulling herself up, too. But no doubt, she is crawling around quickly.

Another step in Sophia's development is her ability (and interest) in holding her own bottle and feeding herself. For non-parents, that might just sound kind of neat. As other parents know, this is a super-cool step. It makes getting out the door easier. It enables the three of us to eat together and engage more than we have been able to. It really makes things a lot easier.

(The pic to the left is from a day stroll we took to Dunkin Donuts.)

One thing that Sophia has been wrestling with of late is being sick. I'm sure it is the combination of winter season and starting day care. Nevertheless, her nostrils are ever-flowing "snaucets". (snot-faucets; charming I know.) She's had a few trips to the pediatrician. She is doing much better now.

One thing that we are very happy about is that for the first time since she started day care in mid March, Sophia has finally gone all 5 days in one week. It took 2 months, but she finally made it one complete week. We need we could do it, we just had to be patient. Sophia has adjusted pretty well to day care. We were just informed that the second week of April she will begin her transition to the next class. We are very excited about that because Sophia is enamored with the main teacher in that classroom. Mrs' Lopez is Columbian and speaks to Sophia in Spanish. Sophia totally lights up when she speaks to her in Spanish. Incidentally, we estimate that Sophia's Spanish will be at Daddy Dave's level within 3 months.

One last anecdote that we find very amusing is Sophia's interest and fascination with brushing her teeth. Both of them. Sophia always seemed transfixed when we brushed our teeth. So Mommy Michele gave her a toothbrush once while brushing her teeth, and Sophia mimicked perfectly. Sophia now has her own toothbrush that she uses to brush her teeth. It's quite cute actually.

Alright, enough for now. Here are the pix and video.

Pictures from Months 7 - 8
Here is a slideshow of the pix. As always, you can view the pictures directly by going to the Picasa web folder.

Videos from Months 7 - 8
Here a few videos from the last couple of months. I love the first one.
This is Daddy Dave goofing around with Sophia and having a good time. (Direct Link to video.)

Sophia playing with Michele and crawling at 8 months (Direct Link to Video.)

A video of the 3 of us relaxing one night. Sophia at 8 months. Likely something only family might like. :) (Direct Link to Video.)

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